Well, I have to apologize, I forgot my coat in Charlottetown, and it has my camera in it, so I don't have any pictures to send to you this week... That's pretty lame...
But other than that, HELLO!
It has been an interesting week here in Summerside. Things are never boring, I can tell you that. It's always something new.
Monday: It was a pretty average P-day. Lot's of snow shoveling. And by lots of snow shoveling, I mean LOTS OF SNOW SHOVELING. We really didn't get a P-day because we spent it shoveling. Too. Much. Snow. (But on the bright side, it is starting to warm up, and instead of snowing, it is raining. So the snowbanks are rapidly disappearing!) But other than that, average P-day.
Tuesday: We had to move District Meeting to Tuesday this week because of the Prep that had to be done for the Funeral on Wednesday. So district meeting was great. I gave a training on Family History... Basically I know nothing about Family History, so it was a gongshow.... But yeah... It worked out okay. We had a lot of lessons set up, but, surprise! They all fell through. So we did a lot of knocking, and finding, and contacting referrals. And then went to the Wake at 8:00. We finished out our night by shoveling out the Church parking lot, and starting on the wheelchair ramp.
Wednesday: We got up early, and instead of studies in the morning, we went to the church and finished shoveling everything out. We finished just in time to bake our Funeral Potatoes (That we made all by ourselves) and get over to the Funeral Home. I sang "How Great Thou Art"... It was quite the performance... The electric keyboard that they had didn't have a lot of keys, and it wouldn't transpose very far down, so I ended up singing super high, like falsetto, through the whole song... It was pretty impressive if I do say so my self (Tara Starkey and DeeAnn Costello aint got nothing on my soprano singing!) It was a really nice service. It was the first non-LDS funeral I have ever been too... It was kinda iteresting! After the funeral, there was an open house at the church, where we got to serve food, and mingle with the family. It was pretty nice. The rest of the day was pretty normal. We had a lot of appointments fall though again... And then we went shopping to by supplies for the Young Mens Activity this coming week.
Thursday: Lot of appointments fell though again... Not so much fun. Really the only thing that worked out for us was Young Mens. We got a call not to far before and they told us that it was combined young mens young womens, so we weren't in charge of the activity, and it will be put off until next week. No worries. But for combined, we played Egg Roulette, with Hard boiled and raw eggs. They asked a bunch of really hard church trivia, and then if you got it wrong, you got an egg smashed on your head, and if you got it right, you got to smash an egg on some one else. It was pretty fun. I made it out clean! Haha.
Friday: Weekly Planning. That is always fun. After planning, we went and sang for an old lady in a seniors home. She is so sweet, I love going over there. We had our Skype interviews with President Leavitt. Those are always fun! Because we were the last interviews of the transfer, he showed us a youtube video about Dramamine. It was pretty funny! He is such a cool president!
Saturday: Not a lot for Saturday... We did a lot of knocking to try and make up for some lost hours because of the Funeral... No real results.... Yeah.. That's about it for Saturday...
Sunday: It was a pretty great Sunday. Fast and Testimony meeting. Those are always fun! And then I taught my first Young Mens lesson, the young men are too funny! (One of them just got his mission call, Belgium, Netherlands!) After church we took the Sacrament to that same old lady in the Seniors Home. She loves it when we visit. We had supper at the Branch Presidents home. They are so funny, and that man knows how to cook a feaste! It was crazy amounts of food! To finish the night off, we went to a United Pentecostal church.... It was... Interesting.... Yeah, interesting is the right word.
That's about it... That is were we are at for this week. We haven't done anything yet for P-day, because we are both broke for the month! Oops... But, a new month starts this week, and we only have to wain until next monday before we don't have to starve any more :P
I hope you are all having a fantastic week! I love you all!
Hockey hockey, Moose moose, Maple leaf, Sorry about that, Eh?
Elder Nielsen