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How beautiful are the 'shoes' of him that bringeth good tidings;that publisheth peace; Missionary shoes at the mission home.... |
Wow... This week went by crazy quick. I know I say that every week, but this one was super fast... Much faster than normal. I honestly cant believe that October is almost over! What even is this witchcraft?
I didn't have too many crazy experiences this week, but I might be able to dig up one or two if I think really, really hard... Lets give it a go, shall we?
Monday: Basically your average P-day.... Except it was Thanksgiving, so we got fed tons of food... Nobody feeds the missionaries until its a Holiday, then everyone wants to shove food down our gullets! That's a lie, we have some great families in the ward who feed us, don't worry, I'm not starving (But I have lost 20 lbs, so that's cool :P). We aren't supposed to go knocking on Holidays, so we didn't actually get to do a lot of finding... We did go over to a less-active members home and give his non-member mother a blessing. That was really cool, she probably has the most faith of any person I have ever met... With a little TLC, she would totally join the church.
Tuesday: We had a lot of plans for Tuesday, but they all kind of got thrown out the window... Things come up a lot, and we don't have time to get around to everything. We ended up having a 2 1/2 hour meeting with a less-active member (shh, don't tell President), and got down to a lot of her deep issues. It was a really great meeting, and you could feel the spirit so strong. It was great. Tuesday night we went down the the Seniors Home and sang for them. It was a really little turn out compared to normal, but it was fun! The people in the home really love it when we come over, and they are so funny! It is always a highlight of my week when we go down there!
Wednesday: We had district meeting in the morning, so that was fun as always. They had it in Sackville this time, so we didn't have to make the big trip down to Bridgewater, which is really great because we are running really low on Kilometers... oops... We brought the Zone Leaders home with us on visits, and got to spend the day working with them. That was good. It is always interesting to work with other missionaries. Later on in the evening, we went to visit one of our investigators, and ended up picking up his wife as a new investigator! (We would have picked up his brother too, but he was slightly intoxicated through the meeting, and we didn't think it would be right to do that... If he is sober next time, we will totally pick him up!) Other than that, it was a day of a lot of walking, and a lot of talking to people. Just the common missionary thing. Oh! And after our family history class, we were leaving the church, and a little girl (probably about 10 years old) jumped out of the chapel and screamed and I got so scared and fell on the ground and started laugh/crying... It was pretty impressive.. I'm a big, brave missionary, I promise!
Thursday: We didn't do anything too exciting on Thursday... We did a lot of knocking, and visited our new investigators, but nothing new there... Lots and lots of walking.... Sorry, nothing else to update you on for Thursday...
Friday: Friday was a fun day. We did all of our normal weekly planning and whatnot, but then it got really crazy. A hurricane hit Newfoundland Friday morning, so we got the tail end of it. Lots of crazy wind and rain. But nothing can stop a missionary from going out and working, so we went knocking out in a hurricane. Just so you know, people have no sympathy for you if you are crazy enough to go out contacting in the rain. They just tell you to go and get in your car where it is dry... But it was still fun!
Saturday: Saturday, all of the craziness from the hurricane was over by early in the morning, so we woke up to a nice, sunshiney day! We got to to meet with our favorite Eternal Investigator, and, wait for it...... WE PUT HIM ON DATE! After about 9 years of meeting with the missionaries (He met the missionaries 15 years ago, and has been meeting with them on/off for a total of 9 years) he is finally going to be baptized on December 17! Patience really does pay off! We did a lot of knocking on Saturday. We knocked a street where we picked up four potential investigators, and got three referrals! Lots of people wanted to hear the gospel on that street! (bare in mind that that was the same street that we had 4 houses in a row scream at us and slam the door... People in the maritime know some very colorful language! I was pretty impressed :P) It was a pretty great day!
Sunday: We had a lot of plans for Sunday too, but they got interrupted by things. Church was fun. We had a Recent Convert give a talk in sacrament meeting, and it was so good! I was so happy for her. After church we had ward choir, and that was uber fun! The lady who directs the choir reminds me so much of Annie Kentros... It is actually really scary how similar they are... I wonder if they are related, she is from The States... We got to meet with our new On Date again. We took bishop over for this meeting, and that was really good. Sunday night there was a baptism for a little girl in the ward, and Elder B was speaking at it, so we spent the rest of the evening writing a talk and going to a baptism. It was a pretty great day.
And that leads us back to here! It's pretty incredible how fast we get back to another Monday!
I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of god, and that means you!!!!
Hockey hockey, Moose moose, Maple leaf, Sorry about that, eh?
Elder Nielsen
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